Monday, July 31, 2006

African Killer Bees Found In Monterey County

African Killer Bees Found In Monterey County:

"A hive of an aggressive strain of honeybees was recently discovered by a beekeeper in Prunedale, according to the Monterey County agricultural commissioner's office.

The beekeeper quickly reported the find and experts from the California Department of Food and Agriculture were able to confirm that the bees were Africanized honeybees.

The danger from the hive was eliminated when the queen bee and her eggs were removed, agricultural officials said.

The bees were determined to have come from a wild colony that had been relocated to Prunedale from an area near Hollister.

Africanized honeybees are similar to other types of honeybees, but are more defensive in protecting the hive, guard a larger area around the hive, and swarm more quickly and in greater numbers if provoked, according to the agricultural commissioner's office.

Assistant Agricultural Commissioner Bob Roach said, 'There is no need for the public to panic. This just serves as a reminder to all of us to be aware of honey bees and take precautions not to get stung.'

Roach said his department will survey the area to check for any more of the bees, but he did not expect any to be found because the beekeeper reported the hive so quickly."


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