Thursday, August 10, 2006

Couple says bee swarm kills dogs

Couple says bee swarm kills dogs: "hey said it was a nightmare, something Hitchcock himself might have dreamed up.

'It was like a morgue out here,' said Elyse Giles, of Oro Grande, who said her two dogs and five baby chickens were killed on July 22 when an immense bee swarm descended on her Sunflower Lane home. 'It was horrible — it was like a nightmare.'

Giles said an enormous cloud of bees, with no apparent provocation, hailed down on her home around 4:30 p.m. that Saturday.

'It had been hot, and we'd been keeping the dogs in,' Giles said. 'We decided to let them out because it cooled down. There wasn't a single bee in sight.'

While her husband walked their two pet Chihuahuas into the backyard, she stayed inside.

'I heard my one Chihuahua making the weirdest noises,' she said. 'I never heard him doing anything like that before.'

When she checked on her husband and the two dogs, she found a horrifying scene: 'I saw this huge swarm of bees, and my husband was yelling. They covered him like rain.'

Her husband eventually made it back into the house with one of the dogs, but the older dog — a 15-year-old Chihuahua plagued by blindness — was stuck in the backyard, wandering aimlessly as it was blanketed in bees.

'She was totally covered in bees,' Giles said."


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