Sunday, August 20, 2006

Killer Bees Causing A Buzz

From snakes, to ghosts... to bees on a plane. Killer bees are a very real problem at Tucson International Airport, where officials report the insects have very specific tastes.

"For whatever reason, they seem to like the smell of jet fuel, and especially the yellow color of the Southwest airplane," said Judy Alexander, senior director of operations at the airport, to the Wall Street Journal.

But the stinging creatures can be a problem for all pilots... especially with airplanes that have been recently cleaned with lemon-scented cleaning products, which also attracts the buzzy, and potentially dangerous, nuisances.

To combat the problem, the airport installed scent traps that emit a bee-attracting pheromone. They seemed to help, but that in and of itself is somewhat disturbing... as officials report the traps capture between 60 and 80 swarms every year.

Did you just shudder, too?


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